Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Last night i went and saw the new jet li movie Hero. Holy Fuck. This movie is sooo fucking good i want to die. The colors are amazing the action is amazing the drama is amazing the scenery is amazing. It is seriously the best movie i have seen in two years.

Monday, August 30, 2004

I would just like to congradulate Melissa for trying cheese that was a big step. I am also glad you outgrew your cheese alergy and i didn't have to clean you up after dying.

Dale: "I'm sooooooo fucking hungry"
Sam: "I have food here"
Dale: "But i want like burger or something trashy"
Sam: "I have hot dogs"
Dale: "Are you hitting on me?"

Yeah we drank beers on a sunday night and that is how i know it is almost time for school becuase it doesn't matter what day it is it is always beer day

Guy at seven eleven:"Is this everything"
Wanda: "yes"
Guy at seven eleven:"how is it going today"
Wanda: in a deadpan style "i'm not wearing underwear"
Guy at seven eleven: "uhhhhhh is this everything"

"It is not about 'not throwing rocks when you live in a glass house' it is about not throwing rocks.... ever"

Friday, August 27, 2004

ps all you people addicted to fear i moved the terror alert to below all these pictures on the left make sure to check out how ridiculously high my hit count is because it took me forever to get it that high.

Alright for all you curious bastards out there i am finally done my second job which means i am free to enjoy the last ten days of summer in true fashion which means x-box thankfully it has been shitty weather and no no-one can guilt me with tales of sunshine and adventure. The curious part i mentioned before was pertaining to the website i have been working on at my second job. That is right i built an entire website from scratch. (except for the banner that was brought in by my supervisor.) I used Microsoft frontpage which as i would like to point out can be more annoying then listening to nickleback (which is pretty fucking annoying). There is one catch you are not allowed to criticize anything that is non-asthetic becuase i basically had to learn how to build the site all on my own and i never really got too much of the technical side of the situation. Also keep in mind that this is an army site so i tried to keep it bare and minimum. Other then that though enjoy till you die and by the way any changes that happen to it are not under my control i will fully expect summer army fuck to make it insanely ugly. I also made a brochure for them but i have no-idea when you will be able to view that.

the site is on the left but if you are disgustingly lazy like me here is the address

Monday, August 23, 2004

I know two asian males that are named mike and they both are sworn followers of ninetendo. i smell conspiracy.

Dale: Hey Mike which games do you have for your gameboy sp
Mike Tahara: Blah blah rock 'n roll racing and river city ransom
dale: Holy shit, holy shit can i play rock 'n roll racing when you are done there
Mike:you can play now i have two gameboys
dale: why do you have two gameboys?
Mike: becuase i am a ninja

so i revelled in rock 'n roll racing for a while as it rained on our paintball tourney and then another guy we were with named tom came up.

Tom: awww you guys are playing gameboy
DaLe: ohhhh yeah and it is soooooo sweet
tom: i wanna play gameboy
mike: well you can
tom: but isn't there only two
Mike: no simon also has one
tom: then who's are these two
Mike: those two are mine
tom: why do you have two gameboys?
mike: becuase i am a ninja.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

I just got back from my attempt to watch the Bourne Supremecy. I lasted 15 minutes and then walked out becuase of the shitty shaky camera. Apparently when you want to make your movie good you use a shakey fucking camera and super crappy zooms that miss the target and make everythign fuzzy. All those critics who said this movie are fucking idiots. But that is nothing new aparently all critics besides me are mental. There however was one good thing that came from the movie and that was the preview for Papparatzi the movie looked alright at best. Something about a man becoming famous and the Papparatzi ruining his life yadda yadda what ever the good thing about the preview was that they played music from the greatest years in music ever, 1996-1997. The song was atom bomb by Fluke. It was not only a bangin electronica track it also reminded me period of my life taht was full of new experiences. It is the same year that i lost my virginity and graduated highschool. Some of you might argue that this was not a good year in music but just look at this list of releases from that year.

Korn - life is peachy
Marilyn Manson - antichrist superstore

chemical brothers - dig your own hole
prodigy - fat of the land
daft punk - homework
fluke - risotto

The shitty thing abou that little terror alert on the left there is it is misleading. It is a five point scale going from blue to green to yellow to orange to red. You see the thing is that on the rating of yellow it is halfway but it says significant risk of terrorist attack. The fucked up thing is that the step below is general risk of terrorist attack. Would it not seem that that would be the a verge rating that maybe step two should actually be step one. The reason I am bringing this up is it is just more proof that there is a system of fear in place to keep everyone subservient.

"no risk of terrorist attack" is not even on the scale that means that the powers that be or "Homeland security" wants to keep the citizens of their fare country in the mindset that there is always a risk of terrorist attack. The scale is a rip off of Def con or the scale of defence condition that the states have in place that is also a scale from one to five as in "Def Con 5" everyone shits there pants because it is meaning they are going to fucking die and there is no if ands or buts about it. But that scale is not whored by it constantly being at a significant risk. I have never seen this chart below yellow because it did not exist before 9-11 because there was no need. No one ever thought that those little countries would fight back.

How can there be a significant risk. Practically everyone is dead that was a threat bin laden has no more power. You might think other wise but you know how I know this stuff because there is no way the US would have left their entire reason for going overseas, which was to stop terror ie Bin Laden, and attack an entire different country that has nothing to do with the first if there was still a threat.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

In my never ending attempts to help your life be lived a little easy and take a little weight off of you troubled mind i have added a terror alert.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

yeah yeah yeah six months no smoke hahaha

(except for two puffs from melissa when iwas drunk)

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Well i was going to write a huge blog about friday the thirteenth but then i got too busy working and playing paintball and then going on a date that i didn't get a chance. I guess i should clear something up becuase everyone thought i had a girlfriend. The whole situation with my ex-girlfriend was really lame we did it and decided to go out again but then she changed her mind and i realized it was a good idea.

I wanted to clear this up becuase everyone thought i had a girlfriend and that is astounding becuase i don't i wish i did but i don't. This date that i went on last night was great i met a girl named heather from salmon arm. I met her on the internet. I know what you are all thinking and no she wasn't a 58 year old fat man she was actually a rather attractive 22 year old girl. We went on a date and now i am in the post date hook up limbo. I think we might actually be dating but we were both pretty drunk so it is tough to say.

On a side note we now have a washer and dryer weeee so now we can wash our laundry and no longer writhe in our own filth. I also bought a cd player for 25 dollars and an old placebo album for 4 which is sweet becuase it is the one with every me and every you on it but it depresses me because i still can't find the album with nancy boy (which is the best song they have ever) and 36 degrees. I bought all this shit from neal and geoff's garages sale and that is it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

I thought i could not be happier with my purchase of an xbox until i went to future shop today and realized that they made an x-treme g racing game for the xbox it is just like the n64 games but ohhh sooo much cooler awesome stuff. I also am playing XIII which is awesome becuase it is a comic book style games just like the good old comix zone game for genesis.

dale: hey nigel...... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel....... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel.......

no answer

dale: hey nigel...... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel....... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel..... hey nigel.......

Nigel: dale have you accepted jesus into your heart

Dale: ahhhhhhhh no

Nigel: well i think you should

Dale: i would probably still be just as annoying if i did so it would be pointless

nigel:you wouldn't be annoying becuase you have to emulate christ to accept him

dale: then how come you are so fucking annoying

Alright i know it is bad to hate things or people and i try not to hate anything but there are a few things that are pushing me pretty close ps this is a tops six list

6: gangster rap-what the fuck is this shit i don't care about who you shot and why your drug selling days were the best
5: Quentin Tarantino: yeah it is pretty impressive if you have never watched an import action movie in your life (yeah i am talking about the kill bill series it sucks) it actually seems that he never does anything new but just banks on the fact that some stuff was cool in the seventies yeah so was heroin and morphine.
4: racism of any kind even anti-white racism sucks
3: girls who think that using their body gives them more power. well it does give you power unfortunately only becuase people want to have sex with you
2: the thought line that books are ultimately better then t.v. movies and video games. well no they are all entertainment designed to entertain you thus they are all equal. By the way i have learned plenty o shit from video games
1: intolerant religous people that try to force their views on you. The religous people that just leave you alone are ok.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Jenny= patrick swayze is god.

Dale= even though patrick swayze at one poiont had what could be called a rock hard ass and had a pouffy mullet which he excentuated with spandex pants and cowboy boots i can assure that he is not god. he is metro sexual in a bad way

Melissa was looking at abe's personal on the internet and upon reading it she said "here's what it should have said "i'm looking for a cunt that's easy to get into""

Lorne "I'm like on mah-on vacation because i'm soooo on vacation."

Well this little post right here is a little special because it is my 100th yeah yeah yeah. It is also special because it is the post that i have to inform all my friends that i will be spending less time with them and more time with my new xbox. I am sorry but i am getting older with my 25th birthday in the rear view mirror i decided i have to take responsibility in my life and do the things that i think will benefit me the most. I weighed the options and sorry everyone but the xbox won. Don't take it so hard you were all almost on the way out when i got free movie rentals from work. It's not you it is me i am the one who would rather hold up in my house and not go outside and have the sweet sweet video games as my only company. Actually i love you all even if you are fuckers and i would never ditch your for the sweet reverance my xbox with its suple controllers, mouth watering cgi and pants tightening gameplay.
So it has been six months since i quit smoking actually not till the 15th many of you might remember when i quit using allan carr's "the only way to quit smoking". I remember my old roomate saying with a bitchy tone, "so you're just going to read this book and then quit smoking. Ya right". The whole six month are entirely worth it becuase i can say "fuck you jaime it's been six months hahahahahahaha" and i would like to also add "hahahahahahaha"
I also bought new glasses about two weeks ago i don't know if i mentioned that but i did. Aparantly they make me look like everyone from michael duglas falling down to drew carey. But another funny thing is they make me looke like every other fucking blonde guy who wears thick galsses so stop fucking talking about it bitches fuck.
I am almost done my secondary job at the armory so i will b e able to start my summer of just fucking around pretty soon i might enter a paintball tournament with my old boss miles and i might go to van or i might go to vulcan who knows only time will tell untill then read my blog love my blog need my blog you can't live without my blog. Especially since you won't ever talk to me in person now that i have an xbox hahahaha.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

tobor is my new imaginary robot friend who is programed to kill and he doesn't want to he just wants beauty

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

i churned the pictures these are all new except for the top ones because i looove looking at myself

hey i took my pictures off so you could all enjoy my site without extended loading look at bottom i kept new ones just so you could see case i like you and it treat you nice truth and love kee kee kee ending happy you see

George W. Bush says:
why did the iriqi children cross the road
George W. Bush says:
cuase i blew up there house and bombed their dad when he crossed the road

these are g bush jokes as said by gb
George W. Bush says:
why did Sadam
George W. Bush says:
cross the road
George W. Bush says:
fucked if i know i just wanna blow him up
George W. Bush says:

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Upon conversation with my neighbors downstairs I came to the conclusion that if you deny yourself simple pleasures you are not normal but in fact in my eyes you are a masochist. We were talking about on of Jenivieve's friends that has never been drunk, doesn't watch T.V. and is a vegetarian and she said she would like to be normal like this.
"That is not normal, that is fucked. Denying simple pleasures like T.V. is retarded. it's just as bad as liking pain. It is just as bad as being a masochist." I told her.
And why wouldn't it. How can something that was designed to bring you joy, to entertain you be bad. In my opinion T.V. is very good it infroms on an imediate level combining picture and words for absolute information. Some of you will cry that the T.V. is making us hate our selves by worshiping the beautiful people. T.V. never made us worship these people it made it made it more apparent and brought it to life. North American society is the one with fucked up values and the 'idiot box' just reflects that.