Thursday, September 20, 2007

I fucking hate that (followed by I fucking love that)

So the other day I am hanging out with some old time friends and some shitty topic of something or other comes up. I can't remember what it was just that it was shitty and i hated it. So i said it "oh i fucking hate that". This friend then turns to me and says "are you sure you hate it that is a pretty strong word." What the fuck is that some neo hippy bullshit? Do people turn to their freinds and say "Are you sure you love pirate cookies that is a pretty strong word?". No they do not. People are just hating on the word hate for no reason. I like that its a strong word because it expresses my adhoration for many things poignantly and adequately. I did take some time to think about it though i like to give people the benefit of the doubt and see if i should be shooting my mouth off about shit and saying such a harsh judgement and guess what i do think i should say hate and instead of changing and expanding my vocabulary like some university teacher with a mid life crisis I am just going to tell you a few things i hate.

I hate: when people make wide left turns
I hate: when people almost stop to make right turns
I hate: when i leave milk on the counter and accidently drink it and its lukewarm
I hate: stubbing my toe
I hate: when people pimp out their car and then wreck the ground effects by going over a speed bump and don't fix it and just drive around with a fucking bungey cord holding it on
I hate: when girls say they like rap cause its good to dance to
I hate: teen drama shows
I hate: reality tv camera cry fests
I hate: american idol
I hate: chucks
I hate: when people argue on the internet by correcting peoples spelling and then pretending that makes them superior to the person they are correcting and never addressing the actually argument
I hate: i hate anyone who like the movie the passion of the christ. Sorry but your fucked up.
I hate: paligamy. If you can't be happy with one wife there is something wrong with you and you need to address that instead of just getting another
I hate: child brides and people who date way younger than them. Why would you date somebody way younger than you are you ashamed of yourself and how old you have become
I hate: rape its disgusting
I hate: pro choice feed the hungry ones before you make judgement on the future ones
I hate: people who complain about the homeless give them two bucks you cheap fuck
I hate: skinny pants. 80's hairmetal fashion should never be an inspiration
I hate: studded belts how could everyone wearing the same thing for over ten years mean anything
I hate: hardcore because i like lyrics
I hate: people who mosh at every concert even if it is clearly not punk or metal maybe i am old. Yeah its most likely cause i am old. Old and hateful
I hate: racists seriously you still hate people because of the color of their skin and you can look in the mirror and not say i am a rediculous idiot?
I hate: people who manipulate other people it would probably take less effort to just get over your baggage
I hate: gross stuff that happens in third world countries like acid attacks and tire neckties
I hate: when people who hate communism
I hate: how absolutely everyone and everything is a terrorist now
I hate: when guys and girls who think the only thing that matters is getting laid. Yeah hows being 15 and masterbating too much
I hate: when girls think a guy only wants to get laid
I hate: when girls are worried people will think they are sluts. once your out of highschool no one gives a shit anymore unless they are jealous. unless you get aids
I hate: when religious groups think that kids will just stop having sex
I hate: when religious groups try to make people not able to have premarital sex.
I hate: when your friends are non participaters. guess what your no fun
I hate: when people are down on something they never tried
I hate: picky eaters. get over it
I hate: when people drive slow in the fast lane
I hate: when people don't let you in in traffic
I hate: when people walk slow in front of you
I hate: when people try to be somehting they are not
I hate: when people try to be mature
I hate: when you are stopping at a red light and people look at you to make sure that you are not going to kill them while they cross the road. Guess what i heard jail sucks so you get to live today
I hate: when people get pleasure from other peoples pain
I hate: couples who should have broken up years ago and all they do is fight over everything and ask you who you agree with
I hate: people who think watching boring movies makes them intelligent
I hate: people who hate monster trucks. Their fucking monster trucks.
I hate: when people are doing anything artistic and they copy other people to try be cool
I hate: when people join social groups that are exclusive and everyone dresses the same
I hate: negative people
I hate: fun ruiners
I hate: when you work with people and they don't know what they pretend to know
I hate: when people talk down to you thinking it makes them look better
I hate: when you friends bitch about how they don't believe in marriage for years and years because their parents broke up and then those same friends make plans to get married
I hate: when people bitch about something that sucks and then turn out to like it as soon as they watch it or listen to it
I hate: when people get mad that you don't like or you do like a certain movie and they try to convince you that you should like or hate it
I hate: when people get whiney when they are sick. I already don't want to be around you stop making it worse
I hate: when people use old profile pictures and they don't look like that anymore
i hate: when people think they are hot and look down on everyone
I hate: when people comment on videos on you tube by saying the person is ugly
I hate: when people pretend they don't like fucking
I hate: stepping in glass
I hate: when you loose something and people ask you where you lost it
I hate: when you do something stupid and you regret it and people tell you you shouldn't have done it
I hate: when people are loud on public transit
I hate: when people have cars and won't give people rides
I hate: when people without cars expect rides all the time
I hate: when people talk when you are trying to watch tv
I hate: when it is colder than minus 10
I hate: people who like buildings and houses too hot
I hate: when the make fake laughs
I hate: when people talk at movies
I hate: when people you don't care about anymore find you on facebook
I hate: when your friends make a band and you have to like them even if they are shitty and unoriginal
I hate: knickleback
I hate: when people hate music because its popular and not just because it is horendously shitty
I hate: when people hate every thing mainstream and love the 80's
I hate: the blues
I hate: jazz
I hate: cole porter
I hate: driving a standard in rush hour
I hate: dry hand jobs
I hate: when your arm gets sore from fingering girls
I hate: when people have issues with there parents and then they can't date normal people
I hate: when couples try to fix you up with someone because they can't handle you being single and having more awesome times then them just because they should have broken up years ago and secretly hate eachother and their life and are jealous of all the things you get to do
I hate: when your parents tell you you can't get a job looking like that
I hate: when people tell you you should get a job that makes more money
I hate: when people who make more money than you are not happy and expect you to make more money like them
I hate: ripping the crotch out of pants or the button off
I hate: ripping the armpit out of sweaters
I hate: when you get cold feet while you sleep
I hate: people who say red heads are ugly
I hate: people who hate feet and exorbinate amount
I hate: when friends can't just give friends hand jobs
I hate: people who say friends shouldn't have sex
I hate: when people try to put rules on love
I hate: when people think that a huge age difference is one of those rules and not just disgusting
I hate: when people say that anyone with a small sports car has a small penis
I hate: when trucks drive behind you at night and blind you
I hate: when people scream at prostitutes from moving cars
I hate: when you leave a popsicle out and it melts everywhere
I hate: when your coffee is cold and you don't realize it till you take a drink
I hate: when you think your laundry is finally done and your fucking clothes aren't dry
I hate: when doing laundry in an apartment building not only do you have to pay for it but you get in shit if you steal underwear
I hate: people who steal my underwear
I hate: shrinking shirts in the laundry
I hate: when people mumble and expect you to hear them
I hate: when cops give you the stink eye when you are clearly obeying the law
I hate: crapping anywhere that is not on a fully functional toillette
I hate: when old people crap theri pants because really is there anything sadder than that
I hate: how much longer this list could be and how much time i already wasted on it

I fuckng love that

Ok ok i realize that my last post was a little too hilarious and people think i am a craggy bitter old man now. I'm not i am craggy bitter young man haha. Well just to keep all the ladies out there who can't take a little light hearted negativity i am writing a list of things i love. Even though i still hate when people say you should say the word hate. I also can't stand it when people tell you you should focus on doing positive writing and stuff. After writing this long list i doubt there is going to be anybody going to tell me that i shouldn't say i love so much stuff but that was my whole fucking point anyway.

I love: puppy tongues
I love: streams in the summer
I love: trees
I love: swimming
I love: key lime anything
I love: cheese cake
I love: when people let you in in traffic
I love: when cops let you off with a warning
I love: getting tattooed
I love: when people give you funny signals in traffic and you all bond over the complete incompetence of another driver
I Love: driving to fast
I Love: when a plan comes together
I Love: smooches
I Love: breakfast food at restaraunts
I Love: tall glasses of cool milk
I Love: when horses roll in dirt
I Love: taking pictures and they turn out nice
I Love: an empty deep blue sky
I Love: the rain
I Love: the first snowfall
I Love: cup holders
I Love: how calgarys curbs are rounded
I Love: taking photos of bands
I Love: drinking
I Love: being loud
I Love: video games
I Love: watching movies in the middle of the day
I Love: sweaters and hoodies especially if they are big and soft
I Love: baggy pants the look and feel great
I Love: cargo pockets. yeah yeah they are not that cool anymore but i seriously carry too much shit for regular pockets
I Love: rockabilly girls and even their bitchy bitchy stink eye they give everyone
I Love: how excited you get when you listen to good music
I Love: designing anything. I am a complete design nerd and evaluate choices of font by other people in their signs constantly
I Love: taking pictures through sunglasses
I Love: making pictures look old
I Love: the sea
I Love: oceanic life
I Love: reading but get bored of it extremely quickly because i read so slow
I Love: looking at photos and art on the internet
I Love: conspiracy theories but i really really hate deep politics there is nothing more deepressing
I Love: my new job probably the best job i have had yet
I Love: that kid rock beat up tommy lee. That dirty dirty skid gives girls enemas in bathtubs
I Love: that fergie peed herself on stage twice maybe she should cut down on the drugs
I Love: myth busters
I Love: lost. Now that charlie is dead desmond and jack and lock are my favorite characters
I Love: discovering new bands
I Love: crying during movies
I Love: explosions does anyone know where i can watch more boom
I Love: robots especially if they fight other robots
I Love: space and science fiction it is definitely my favorite genre well it battles with fantasy
I Love: Robert A. Heinline novels sometimes the incest is a bit much but if you get over that they are really quite enjoyable
I Love: Stanley kubrick movies well not really dr strangelove one actor playing 4 characters is ok if you about it before hand and don't think that the movie is just jumping around and not making sense. I can't remember eyes wide shut i should rewatch it
I Love: vancouver i was just sitting here thinking about how much i miss it and its awesomeness. Most likely because another goddamn calgary winter looms on the horizon
I Love: good friends who are reassuring of your greatness and worth unlike friends who have diseased egos and cannot stand to see people happy.
I Love: when people contemplate me on my photos it just nice when people come around
I Love: going to art galleries
I Love: the tryrrel dinosaur museum
I Love: goofy shirts
I Love: o shit handles in cars
I Love: flash games on the internet and playing them at work
I Love: going to live shows
I Love: laughter especially when people loose control and laugh really loud in public
I Love: this list seriously i do now all you goddamn haters of my hate list can be happy because you finally got what you like
I Love: music videos a good music video is one of the highest forms of art in my mind
I Love: late night baths. For those of you who tell me you don't like bathes because it is soaking in your own filth well i am sorry to hear that you can't take care of yourself and that you are regularily dirty enough to turn a whole bathtub full of water filthy. Its ok its natural some of us are dirtier than others and some of us are just fucking disgusting seriously if you are making a bathtub full of water that fucking dirty maybe you should re-evaluate your personal hygene regime you disgusting worthless pig
I Love: podcasts recently discovered tremendously enjoyed.
I Love: finding money. The funny thing about finding money is the absolute first thing you think about is not oh wow money how luck am i. No the first thing you think about is "holy shit maybe there is more" and then instead of being happy you found money your sad you didn't find more. "I guess finding ten bucks is pretty cool but it would have been more awesome to find 20"
I Love: coffee and anything coffee flavor especially the shit breathe i get afterward
I Love: anime and adult humor cartoons
I Love: dragons
I Love: fcebook apps at first i was in denial and though i hated them because there was too many but then i found the games one and now i never work ever

Monday, September 10, 2007

Survey Says

One thing I have noticed about the networking sites whether you hopped on the bandwagon with friendster or highfive or like the vast majority you jumped on with myspace. Even if you were a tooty college student and waited untill face book you have all inevitably seen and maybe even completed a lengthy survey. If you have never seen one of these narcissistic jems then i am sorry you are a caveman and i don't feel bad saying you have been living under a rock.

Anyway these surveys serve one major purpose. Besides letting you know common facts about the taker, (Ok these surveys serve TWO major purposes) they let the person who is taking the survey think that people care about them. I know first hand what this is like. Everytime i fill one out i feel pretty good about myself. "Hey everyone wants to know these bland facts about my life. Even though i am bored with it my life most certainly must be exciting to someone else."

For some reason we all think that other people want to know about what are tastes are and what our makeout history is. I for one don't really care in fact when i get surveys the only reason i read the old answers is because i am filling out new ones. If i don't do the survey I don't read it. Sorry guys and girls if i want to know about your makeout history I will just bluntly ask and make you feel uncomfortable.

So to make my point... and in a round about way make you read shitty facts about my life. By the way my life is boring and i don't really hold it against you if you don't want to read this. As an added benefit and since i have some extra time i will analyse the survey as I go along.

1. Are you taller than your mom? (good intro very vague question)

2. What color is your car? (this here is a good chance to either brag about how good your life is thus how nice your car is. Or it is a good chance for a cry fest by complaining about how much you hate your car)
My Car is Electric Lime

3. What is the closest thing to you that is red? (random question nothing really to say about that)
Red folder of printed out fonts since I am at work

4. What is your ringtone? (this is a good question to show that your are technologically literate. IE can go on the internet and download trendy shit for your phone. I'm just a little bitter because i can't do this because my phone is cheap and crappy. So i will just leave the previous survey-ees answer and make some snide remark )
Degrassi high song. Awesome now evertime someone calls you you can get the nostalgia feelings of being jealous of the cast of Degrassi high. No matter how shitty their life was and what kind of lesson they teach you. You know they were all banging each other behind the scenes.

5. Does anything hurt on your body right now? ( a good question for cry babies and hypochondriacs)

6. What color is your favorite pillow? (this is a glimpse into a persons life to see if they are boring ie they have a white pillow. or if they at least have a sempblance of interest in their life and have for example a wine red pillow.)
Mine is wine red and that makes me interesting.... and sexy.

7. Do you have a penis? (this question is a good example that everyone loves wangs and talking about dink is always hilarious)

8. Had a nap today? ( are you a lazy shitfest)
no... its quarter after 9 in the morning.

9. Gold or Silver? (are you white trash or an immigrant or do you actually know what looks good and don't care about price. You pick which one is which. Hint: I am not white trash.... anymore)

10. Is there an animal that creeps you out? (are you a little whiny bitch that your friends secretly make fun of because you have a lame fear of oh say spiders)

11. Hello, how are you?
meh i am at work

12. Did you go iceskating as a kid? (were you priviliged and did your parents take you out to do stuff)
yes with school but never good

13. Ever have stitches? (did you go outside and have fun as a kid and thus get hurt because all kids are stupid and fall off of shit or are you a house tard that has the pale pale skin of a ghost)
lots and lots of times

14. Favorite non-alcoholic drink? ( Brand endorsement?)

15. How long ago did you kiss someone? (a roundabout way of asking are you getting any)
No I don't get any and being single is lame. Only people who date shit heads think it is cool.

16. What's something you want to do before you die? (I actually like this question because everyone really should do what they want before they die and the more you think about it the more likely you are to do it.)
publish a book of photography. Maybe get famous.

17. Have you ever caught something on fire?

18. Have you ever seen a ghost? (this is a good sideways way of finding out if a person holds non traditional beliefs.)
No although i do believe in them

19.Have you ever seen the northern lights?

20. Do you know how to use chop sticks?

21. Name something good that happened today.
i got a coffee and did a survey instead of work

22. What room are you in?
art room

23. Are you worried about something you can't control? (This is a secret CIA planted questionie to find out if we are actually afraid of terrorists and global warming)
ps your supposed to be scared of terrorists and not believe in global warming and really really like gasoline.

24. Do you take daily medications?

25. Ever been in a fight?
I was drunk and jumped at a party so drunk however that i don't remember what happened

26. Are you wearing nailpolish?
yes its black I usually do

27. favorite color?

28. Innie or Outie? (are you normal or a disgusting freak of nature)
Innie... which is normal

29. Ever used an Ouija board? (this is a good question to find out if a person play with the devil board thus prooving that they are interested in finding out if there is anything more or if they are a complete prude)

30. Sweet or Sour?
ew sweet

31. Sun or Moon?
I like em the same

32. What shoes did you wear today?
black skull ones

33. Favorite eye color of the opposite sex?
light blue

34. Most important quality in any relationship?
connection and hilarity

35. Favorite zombie movie?
28 days later

36 Time of day you were born?
4:30 am

37. Do you know your blood type? (this is an odd I am going to attack you question)
b i think

38. Have you ever cheated/been cheated on by a bf/gf?
yes i am sorry please shut up and stop bringing it up

39. Do you know how to kill a zombie? (are you a huge geek)
sever the spinal column or kill the brain.

40. What would you spend 5000 pounds on right now if you were handed it? (thats like 10,000 canadian dollars)
my debt and a new camera

41. Name something annoying in public transport?
angry people who don't shut up

42. Would you ever change you name? (have you adjusted to who you are or are you still not in a state of closure)

43. Best bf you've had so far?

44. Did you grow up in the city or country?
Country i grew up on a farm but shut the fuck up i am doing such a good job of hiding it.

45. Would you ever consider going on a reality tv show if offered a large sum of money?
hell yeah my life is interesting that is why i am doing this survey.

46. Have you flown in your dreams?
yes interesting side note they say that flying dreams are very mild out of body experiences

47. Do you smoke?
Not anymore. If you do and you want to quit just read allan carr's The only way to quit smoking

48. Hugs or kisses?
more of both please

49. You have 10 dollars to spend in the dollar store..what do you get?
picture frames

50. Slush Puppy flavor?
I can't remember slush puppies that was ten years ago

51. When was the last time you shaved your legs?
like 2 years ago to get a tattoo

52. What were you doing this morning at 8?

53. What were you doing 15 minutes ago?
reading the paper

54.What are you wearing?
polo shirt some cargo khakies and shoes

55. Are you mad at anyone right now?
just a low general hatred for the rich

56. The last 2 people to say they loved you?
can't remember is that the saddest thing you ever heard or what

58. Do you know the words to the song on your MySpace profile?
doubt it can't remember whats there i just abandoned it

59. Last thing received in the mail?

60. Do you have any famous relatives?

61. Have you ever had sex in a public place?
yes a bunch of times because my life is awesome.... Jealous?

62. Have you ever been searched by the cops?
hahahaha of course

63. How is your hair?
i forgot to put product in?

64. How many different drinks have you had today?

65. What have you eaten today?

66. Are you any good at math?
me + math = awesome times

67. What Did You Do Saturday night?
played board games at a friends house it was amazing

68. Do you draw your name in the sand when you go to the beach?

69. Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
yes and it was hard so hard

70. Do you like the ocean?

71. Did you stay friends with your ex's?
not by choice hahaha take that bitches

72. What are you excited about?

73. What did you do last night?
watched movies and dinked around on the internet

74. Are any of your great-grandparents still alive?

75. Where do you keep your money?
in my pockets

76. Do you remember the most naughty night of your life?
Hahahah whats the point of living if i forget that shit

77. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?
someone else seriously who would rather sleep alone than get some.

78. What was the weather like on your birthday?
hot and delicious

79. Would you have sex with anyone on your top friends list?
yes unless that makes me a bad person then yes!

80 Is anyone mad at you?
probably jerks

81. Who's the first person you'd call if you won the lottery?
my dad and laugh in his face

82. Do you have a fish tank in your house?

83. Nearest green object ?
A lei fuck i hate those things

84. What color shirt are you wearing?

85. Who do you trust the most?

86.What color is your phone?
black like the night

87. What's on your tv?

88. Do you forgive people easily?

89. What did you do today?
came to work then nothing

90. Last person to IM you?

91. Who do you text the most?
probably abby she has no internet

92. Could you find an umbrella in your house if you needed one?
no it doesn't rain enough in calgary

93. Last song you heard?
some shitty weakerthans song on the radio.

94. Want any tattoos you dont have?
yes i am getting one in four days

95. Are you wearing a belt?
belts are for skinny people

96. Do you play the lottery?
scratch and win

97. Last text in your inbox?
"I tell ya dale you must really want me to hate you! I think I deserve bp this week to make it up! hehe."
That was abby she was mad i didn't take her to the petting zoo which you can see lots of pictures on my profile.

98. Last thing you broke?
fuck i actually havent broke anything in a long long time amazingly enough

99. Last present you received?
a $20 wal-mart gift certificate... Yeah living the dream

100. Have you ever been to another country?

101. Quote something:
"I have four year old daughter and she is a fucking asshole!" Louis C.K.

102. Ever do something really awful to someone?
Note entirely intentional unless they did something terrible first

103. Last thing you ate?
cool ranch doritos

104. Plans for tomorrow?
work wooooooo

105. Anyone in the room with you?
just jen and danika my fellow workers

106. Miss anyone?
everyone in vancouver

107. Know someone that's lying to you?
Two of my best friends have boring lives so they use me for go between drama and then lie about it.

108. Walmart, Kmart, or Target?
target is pretty fucking sweet

109. How close did you ever come to getting a nose ring?
I had a septum ring

110. Anything you wish you were doing right now?
sky diving or scuba diving

111. Talking to anyone right now?

112. Last thing you bought?
tims coffee and bagel

113. Whose birthday is next?
Lisas is today

114. Next time you plan on drinking?
ASA fucking P baby

115. Fondest memory of your childhood?
hmmmmmm probably the zipper at the fair

116. Anything you'd change that happened in the last 2 weeks?
that girl at the bar would have done me

117. Markers or crayons?

118. Where's your phone?
by my left hand on the desk

119. Do you have any big summer plans for 2007?

120. ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT? (what the fuck is with all the caps all of a sudden this survey just got loud up in here.)
I have stitches under my left eye because when i was around four i was climbing over a pile of wood and fell and got a nail IN THE FACE.

MY PICTURES fuck i rule

oh i snore i snore like the wind baby

a social life



only if there are murders about

hmmmmmm in real life i don't know i only cry at movies

Black hair blue eyes damn

in the woods

both alot

panago ham and pineapple!

that pizza sounds good

yes i do

do i get to do them first

call them randomly in the middle of the night and tell them you follow them and will never leave them

good music



i swear and spit

probably the trailer although i don't spend time there because they are shut ins and never hang out

sarcasm is for lamerz

good attitude and funny

cbc3 podcast


hair clothes eyes

sandy blonde


sure just not too much in one sittine

louis c.k. hbo special shameless

any day when I dont have to work and it's hot outside

I don't know i hate politics

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I just downloaded my first pod cast

Since I work on a mac at my month old job I figured I would take advantage of the benefits that entails. Since I can't play mine sweeper or solitare I might as well get some culture underneath my belt. By culture i actually mean pod casts and nothing actually that does entail that much culture but it is indy music so i can still be a snob. After all if you can't be a prick whats the point of getting culture.

Up untill this point i had never really dealt with I-Tunes for many reasons. It mostly boils down to the fact that i never had a mac. Actually it probably stems from lazy ness because using I-tunes is like cheating on your girlfriend sure its fun for a while but where the fuck are my music files and whats with all this import bullshit.

On top of the fact that i never dealt with I tunes another banal reason why i never graced my hairy little eardrums with pod casts before because for one reason or another i thought it had something to do with I-pods. Since i am poor and the thought of a mp3 player that crashes infuriates me I never had one of those crap junkets either.

I discovered that there is actually a pod cast button i figured i would do some exploring through the I-tunes store and i actually found some free subscriptions to CBC3 and an Onion video cast. Thats right the onion has a video cast. Although very disturbing it is incredibly hilarious.

Todays cbc with grant blah blah blah is pretty good but innevitably like most things indy and canadian the shitty weakerthans were on the show. With there new album being released everyone does have the chance to be depressed one more time. It also gave me one more reason to hate the singer. He likes curling. He says its canadas national past time and that he likes it because"it is played by everyday people just like the rest of us" guess what John K. Samson I might be going out on a limb but I am pretty sure they are not like you I think they know what oral hygene is.

In the title track of their new album the weaker thans singer tells the tale about a german girl giving him a douchmark because she thought he was a hobo. Well maybe that should have been a clue that you look like you do crack and have aids. Eat a burger, brush your teeth and smile you sad butter beaned anorexic. In all fairness I did at one time like the weakerthans and actually saw them in concert. Since then though i have stoppped being depressed and trying to act more mature than i am and realized that sometimes its ok to be happy. Weakerthans should just rename themselves to the sadderthans.