this one is a technology rant
I love technology. I love the internet. I love video games. I love my digital Camera. I love my cell phone. Some people will tell you that technology is bad. That humans being so dependent on it will in fact be our ultimate downfall. There has always been something that was uneasy with me. Where is the line. How much technology is bad for them. Is it just the brand new stuff that they don’t quite know yet like digital cameras or the blade form plough.
Those of you who do still think we would be better without technology are being unreasonable. What is the extent of your dislike how much technology is too much. Surely it can’t be any technology that was developed before the fifties. You could never convince any right minded man or womyn that these are non beneficial developments in the human race. The internal combustion engine is technology. Sure the carbon dioxide exhaust is bad for the ozone layer and the world is pretty much headed toward Armageddon over the fuel but come on who wants to walk to metro town?
Lets get a little simpler here how bout the plough it allowed us to till soil and plant better crops that were more fruitful. I got it you know the scene in 2001 a space oddysey when that monkey grabs the bone and hit’s the weird mini hippo-elephant like animal and kills eat and they all eat the life giving meat? Well that bone is technology. Would you have us live in caves grovelling in fear from the panthers and not wield bones and feast on the glorious meat of the weak animals.
A good example of the ludicrous hatred for technology is one of my best friends the trusty cell phone. You can’t hate cell phones. You can hate the people who use them with little regard for others that surround them but you can’t hate cell phones. Some jerk had bad reception and had to raise his voice while you were eating your chicken penne at the old spaghetti factory does not make an inanimate object the viscous devil you have convinced yourself it is.
You can hate the fuck out of bad manners but hating something comprised of plastic, wires and miracles is ridiculous. Come on who wants to be ridiculous? I don’t dislike knifes in fact I quite enjoy slicing tomatoes but I do dislike people stabbing each other. This doesn’t give me the right to tell everyone I hate knives every time someone brings up the topic of cutting.
Other items that are receiving the criticism are the newer forms of previously established readily enjoyed items. Such as video games, photography and music. I enjoy being romantic. When it comes to using more feelings than common sense would advise I am right in there, but not with objects.
At age 10 I used to wake up at three in the morning while my parents were asleep so I could play video games. Of course it was old Nintendo and Sega Master System. It was like a religious experience I would play these games and think about life. Well maybe I didn’t consider the beginnings of the universe but I came as close to contemplating my navel as any ten year old could.
Does my curfew negligence mean that I have mystical memories about these games--yes. Does it mean I am going to convince myself that they are better that the new video games because of my senses were easier to please back then--absolutely not. Me and mega man were best friends but friends grow apart and must move on.
To those still not sold, I urge, go join a group that will encourage your beliefs. After all I think it is beneficial for everyone to develop social groups that include people you can get along with and encourage each other to further your beliefs as well as your endeavours. The huderites probably need some new DNA for their gene pool right about now.