I would have to say that camels are pretty awesome.
Camels with their big droopy eyes are one of those cartoony animals like an otter or a giraffe. I call these cartoon animals because even the adult versions are cute. Just by looking at a picture you can expect a camel to move awkwardly like a giraffe with its gangly knobby legs making big lethargic strides. Adversely seeing a camel chewing its cud is adorable like an otter that is holding pretty much anything. An added bonus is watching online videos of a camel spittin in the face of some poor unsuspecting dope on the net
The camel is so awesome that is regularly put in cartoons and on products (way more awesome than a cowboy). If you been to Boston Pizza you've probably seen the paintings of the camel enjoying the nightlife of a drug addled jazz lifestyle. Which in a weird way could be a homage to Casablanca. I don't even remember if that movie had camels in it but it was based in Egypt so I think legally it had to.
I endorse Camels and the use there of in everyday life.