My samsung Galaxy 3s is the tits. Like the good ones you like and not the bad ones you hate.
I was falling a bit behind in the smart-phone-keeping-up-with-the-joneses, actually probably more than a bit. I've had my iPhone 3g for 3 years. That's right not even a 3gS so I couldn't even get all the aps because my phone wouldn't support the newest operating system. I never upgraded my phone because I'm actually not an Apple fan. In fact I'm quite the opposite I think they give people rudimentary tech with a big price tag on it and sell the hip factor. I also hate droopy toques and over sized eyeglasses.
The hatred for apple coupled with being locked into a 3yr contract with virgin (whom i recommend by the way) kept me skeptical and I never sipped anyone's kool-aid. That is until I tasted the Galaxy 3S kool-aid. That I drank deep and immediately.
As you know i am an avid hobby photographer, for the uninitiated, so the bigger higher definition screen of the 3S was what initially drew me in. Actually that's all it took to sell me. All I knew about the Galaxy's newest installment was it's size the rest I just knew would be awesome because it's an android phone and I have already pledged my allegiance to our new Google overlords.
In fact this phone is so awesome it's not even just a paultry smartphone. No that dank old moldy term can't even encapsulate how good this phone is. We are now on a whole nother level we're in fucking superphone land. There's unicorns, there's dragons and there's phones that transfer date when you goddamn touch tips.
That alone should have you throwing your teeny 4gS bullshit caveman smartphones into the sewer but what i am going to tell you next WILL FUCKING KILL YOU. With the Samsung galaxy 3s you can REPLACE THE BATTER AND GET MORE MEMORY.
That's right none more of this asshole go to the apple store complain about you phone not keeping a charge bullshit. Now you just take the back off your phone and then YOU JUST TAKE OUT THE BATTERY AND PUT IN A NEW ONE.
That's right we're back in the goddamn cell-phone salad days. The good old days where you call the shots. Where you decide when your $600 investment is going to die, which is NOT TODAY MOTHERFUCKER.
Oh what's that crybaby nerd in the back you heard that since the phone's CPU runs at an earth destroying pace with giant computer testicles and processing shaft that the battery runs down fast? Guess what the phone has a power saving mode where you muzzle that hard beast and it doesn't let the CPU run fast enough to drain the phone. You don't even notice the difference that's how good this phone is even half way IS ALL THE WAY.
The phone software is also highly customizable with a mind boggling plethora of motion controls that do wicked awesome things but if i tell you anymore of the pants shittingly good features of this phone I will have a seizure.
Just fucking buy it you idiot.